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소통참여 시민게시판


작성일 2004.12.08
소통참여>시민게시판 상세보기 - 제목, 작성자, 내용, 파일, 제공
제목 위에 계시는 분에게 글자 틀려서 사과 합니다
작성자 천석준

태백시민 중 한분이는 글자 하나 틀렷는데 똥개 만들어 주시네...ㅋㅋ

똥개 도 좋고 더 나쁜 것도 괜 찮아요.. 하지만 이마트는 안돼요..

 똥개  되는거 괜 찮으니깐/... 그냥 그런데로 내용을 인식하세요..

저는 잘몰라요 한국에 온지 얼마 안돼어서..아직 한국말이

서툴러서 죄송 합니다

우리 아이들하고 한국어 학당에 열심히 다니고 있어요.. 좀 더 열심히 할께요..

오타 안나게

참고로 우리 아들이 어제 숙제 한거 올립니다.

As police have been expanding investigation into text messages via mobile handsets to find more *exam cheaters, it seems inevitable the schedule for college freshmen recruitment will be delayed.

So far, police have found out a total of 295 suspected cheaters on this year's *College Scholastic Ability Test, including 13 related to substitutes taking the test for real applicants.

Out of the total 295, the police handed over a list of 140 suspected cheaters to *the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, excluding high school freshmen and sophomores suspected of intermediating answers. The authority plans to pass on an additional list of names to the ministry on Monday.

However, the number of suspected cheaters is likely to grow further as the police have expanded its scope of investigation into text messages.

The *law enforcement authority said yesterday it had received a total of 20,703 cases of text messages containing both letters and Arabic numerals from mobile phone service providers over the weekend to find more exam cheaters, including 10,820 cases from KTF, 8,991 cases from LG Telecom and 892 cases from SK Telecom.

The cyber crime investigation division at *the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency said they browsed messages containing words related to the exam. 'For SKT, the number of cases meeting the criteria for investigation are small as the company preserves only 6 bytes worth of the first part of each message, equivalent to six numbers or six alphabetical characters,' a Seoul police officer said.

Previously, the police looked into text messages comprising only Arabic numerals to avoid possible *criticism of infringing on privacy. Out of some 260,000 messages, they exposed 587 suspicious messages. The police have started rescanning the numeric messages to find more violators.

Meanwhile, the special committee for the exam scandal under the ministry agreed over the weekend it is reasonable to *nullify exam scores for suspected test-takers.

The committee will hold another session on Monday to determine detailed issues, including the scope for nullification of scores in order not to face *criticism on legitimacy.

The committee plans to *review objections from punished students on Dec. 16, which is two days after the test scores for all exam takers will be released, raising concerns the investigation and punishment may disturb college recruitment processes.




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